Friday, 23 October 2009

And now I'm the best at whatever it is Wolverine does!

I'm just gonna touch on Uncharted 2 this week, because everyone with a PS3 has been banging on about it relentlessly and nothing I can say will be new and fresh.
I finished it, and all is well with the world. There was literally only one part of the game I didn't enjoy, and that was 'The' train bit. Drake kept doing a Lara and jumping in the entirely wrong direction, wrapping himself around the wheels or something, and It got a bit tedious doing the same thing over and over. All in all though, great game, great ending, worth a second playthrough. And, much like the prequel, a third and fourth.
After that I blasted through Halo 3, picking up a paltry one Achievement all the way through it because I played it on easy. So that's it, three games down and I still don't get it. They are all just average games, the multiplayer must really be special to generate this much interest. I might give it a go, although watching myself respawn for half an hour isn't my idea of entertainment. Halo 3 was my favourite of the series so far though, I still have ODST to play through, which is next on my list actually.
Then later in the week, I transferred all my data to my 120GB Elite hard drive. Everything survived the transfer apart from my Halo 3 save data, so now all I have to show for finishing it is my mere 5 Gamer Points. Shit.
After that was over I moved on to X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition), again on the XBox 360. Now, I neglected to watch the film, I made it through X-Men and half way through X-Men 2 before wanting to kill myself. But in these celluloid abortions, the one saving grace was everyone's favourite pointy Canadian bad ass, so I was initially interested in a film based solely around him, even more so when I learned Deadpool was supposed to be in it. Then they cast Ryan Reynolds, the highest echelon of annoying douchebags as Deadpool and turned him into Baraka from Mortal Kombat, and my interest promptly blew it's metaphorical brains out.
I tried the demo of this by chance though, as surprise surprise there wasn't anything great on the PSN store that week, and the mix of God of War and Tomb Raider combined with the frankly surprising level of blood and dismemberment were a breath of fresh air, seeing as I was expecting yet another forgettable kiddy-friendly mass-produced movie tie-in.
The game offers very little in the way of variety, it's mainly just ripping people to shreds, a little bit of platforming then ripping more people to shreds, occasionally throwing a spot of "press X to not die" into the mix, but I'm yet to get bored. Actually between typing right now I'm having quite an epic boss-fight with a huge Sentinel in midair. Wait, "press B to not die".
One of the main things to note is the character damage. About half way through the game you meet these robot things with spinning blades on their hands, and the cuts they leave on your body look great, and watching them heal in real time is genuinely impressive. Some bits are silly though, like on a brief moment of losing my healing powers I was still able to explode myself and carry on going with half of my torso gone. And at one point poor old Logan got blood all down the back of his jeans, and had to go through a cutscene looking like he'd shat himself. And his magical vest that grows back after being shredded is plain lack of attention to detail.
And that's about that. I'm off to get a copy of Borderlands in a bit, which I'm looking forward to, paid for with money I don't have. Those game journo types who get games for free don't even know they're born. I think next week's blog will be very much centred around that. For now though, back to Wolverine.

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